Valentine’s Day is often a contentious topic, dividing the believers and the non-believers. 

However, we quite like to think of February as the MONTH OF LOVE AND JOY, rather than a day of love. It is by far our most favourite month of the year as it encapsulates the essence of our very existence, gifting joy. This February, we celebrate the brave heart-led leadershers, businesses and passionate crafters that we work with, who continuously inspire with their open-heartedness and kindness. Spreading love and joy is central to our founding principles. 

With the busyness of everyday life, we need these reminders to stop us in our tracks and take time out to think about how to spread love. Whether you’re spreading the love to a colleague, supplier, partner, friend, employee, manager, family member or other, take a moment to think of those who may not only be expecting a love-ly gift from you, but perhaps of that person who might just need it the most.

Geskenk - Gift of Love

How we, as a brand, love to share the love

At GeSkenk, we pride ourselves in sharing sustainable love on a monthly basis by supporting local community members and their families.

We have built our brand on social impact and sustainable gifting with the main goal of improving lives, strengthening communities and ultimately, experiencing the joy of gifting that gives back! In recent years, we have noticed a huge shift towards conscious consumerism making what we do more relevant now than ever before. Consumers are changing their mindsets to not only think of what to gift, but where the gift comes from as well as the meaning behind it. We, as a company, have the power to choose our suppliers to support, which will always be local, and you too have that power as a mindful consumer.

Geskenk - Valentines Day Gifting Ideas

How you can share the love, personally

Sharing a special moment with a loved one creates a memory that lasts forever.

 Opening a box full of amazing gifts can have the very same impact! From unraveling the ribbon to gently lifting the lid and peering inside to find a handful of local gifts…the experience encapsulates the gift of thoughtfulness and generosity. Knowing that each gift has been handcrafted by local crafters in South Africa extends the feeling of appreciation and fulfillment, long after opening the gift. We have a range of love-inspired gift boxes to help you spread the love to someone you adore, appreciate or are grateful for.

Geskenk - Valentines Day Gifting

How you can share the love, professionally

Traditionally, gifting is budgeted for once a year, usually at year-end to say ‘thank you’ or ‘well done’ – well,  not anymore!

 Corporate gifting’s effectiveness lies in the fact that most gifts are unexpected. Companies are realising the importance of gifting outside of calendar occasions, and creating memorable first impressions (it’s the first step to building relationships and connections with employees, clients and prospective clients). Our wish is that the gift boxes shown above and below, give you the inspiration to personalise your own gift boxes to affirm your appreciation for your clients and/or team members this month. Get in touch with us to discuss budget, look and feel and your favourite range of gifts for your own gift boxes!

Geskenk - Gifting for Valentines Day

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